How to Hire a Hacker Without Getting Scammed, & Some Signs You Are About To Get Ripped Off Big Time!


Understandably, you might want to hire a hacker to spy on a cheating girlfriend, boyfriend, spouse, partner or whatever you call them these days. You may need to check up on employees or business partners who seem to be doing some crooked shit in the workplace. Possibly, you need to spy on someone to validate claims they made. Here are some pros and cons and what to do and not, in case you need a little guidance.


NEVER hire anyone from India, Africa or with an accent you might only hear at a convenience store or street market.


NEVER hire anyone who won’t talk to you over the phone.


NEVER hire anyone who has a Gmail or other free mail service as a contact. 


NEVER pay anyone with your debit card, or PayPal account directly. 


NEVER fall for cheap deals. If you can barely get a shopping cart full of groceries at Costco for $200, why on earth would someone commit multiple felonies on your behalf, break into a remote device, and with years of technical skill and resources, work for $200? That’s right. Just because you don;t like to pay, doesn’t mean it won't cost you. You will end up paying someone’s rent in Nigeria with the money, that's about it.


Most scammers are pushy. They will try to force your hand, give you deadlines, and make you pay in whatever you can get your hands on. Just don’t fall for it. If you find a deal you think is worth it, you can use the escrow service at At least you won’t lose your money.


Now, here are some things to look for when actually hiring someone:


Does your hacker have a full understanding of everything they are offering you? Ask questions. 


You can see a growing list of reported scammers on the Fake Hackers Official Website.


REAL HACKERS know their shit. They can explain in detail the entire process over a cup of coffee. You may not understand it all and that’s ok. You can check the info by calling +1-480-400-4600 and speak to a professional 24 hours a day.


REAL HACKERS that do business online have a track record of success. For instance, Hire a Hacker Pro uses one wallet to accept payment and on the blockchain, there are close to $30 Million dollars in revenue. No other service can show this type of success record. 


REAL HACKERS answer the phone. 


REAL HACKERS don’t work for shit money. Be prepared to pay. Law enforcement agencies pay a minimum of $1150 USD to Hire a Hacker Pro to get into a device remotely. Expect the same type of financial commitment. 


REAL HACKERS don’t advertise in comments. If you found a review for a hacker in a comment, it’s a scam.


There is no such thing as software to hack phones. Noone makes it, it does not exist. All hacks are done in a terminal.


If you have more questions, feel free to ask them anonymously here.


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