Why Do Some Companies Require The Services of a Hacker?

How to tell what you need. Black Hat or White Hat..

Cyber Education
8. Jan 2025
Why Do Some Companies Require The Services of a Hacker?

Why does an organization hire hackers to try to infiltrate its systems? Despite the risks involved, an increasing number of organizations have turned to white-hat hackers, also known as ethical hackers, to test their vulnerability to cyberattacks.

Provided an organization understands and has prepared for the risks, hiring a hacking service can deliver expert insight into how that organization can effectively enhance the protection of its network and systems. Ethical hackers can help ensure that unauthorized users are prevented from gaining access to sensitive information, while maintaining access to essential data for authorized personnel.

Just as doctors are experts in the medical profession, hackers are considered experts in the field of cybersecurity, or more precisely, in methods of cyber intrusion. Hackers know how to infiltrate a network and gain access to an organization’s valuable data. Ethical hackers understand the methods of a malicious hacker, but they are motivated to help organizations identify and secure vulnerabilities rather than exploit them.


The Hacker Hierarchy

As most computer users are aware, some hackers are malicious and untrustworthy. One noteworthy example of a hacker who transitioned from “bad to good” is  Kevin Mitnick.

Mitnick is a notorious U.S. hacker who spent time in jail for hacking into 40 major corporations, but he is now considered one of the most knowledgeable gray-hat hackers in the nation. In fact, Mitnick has been hired by many organizations to help detect vulnerabilities.

Hackers are commonly classified by their abilities. They fall into five categories:

  • Script kiddies
  • White-hat hackers
  • Gray-hat hackers
  • Black-hat hackers
  • Suicide hackers

Script Kiddies 

Script kiddies are among the lowest levels of the hacker hierarchy. They are usually young, tech-savvy individuals who are more interested in exploring the Dark Web and testing their own capabilities than they are in performing targeted attacks for personal gain.

Script kiddies often accidentally discover vulnerabilities by playing around with technology. Once they discover valuable or private information, such as the password of a celebrity, script kiddies often continue their activities until they’re caught or access is denied.

White-Hat Hackers 

White-hat hackers are more skilled than script kiddies and usually more respected. Individuals in this category earn the trust of the public more easily than other hackers because they have no previous involvement in illicit activities. Ethical hackers are focused on using their skills to benefit society and boost an organization’s security posture rather than causing harm.

Ethical hackers can obtain certifications, such as Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH), to validate their skills and professionalism in identifying and mitigating security threats.

Gray-Hat Hackers

Gray-hat hackers – like Kevin Mitnick – are reformed “bad” hackers who have previously engaged in unauthorized hacking attempts. These hackers once worked on the “dark side” with the intent to harm users through illicit activities.

But often due to life-changing events, gray-hat hackers now apply their skills to help users and organizations find vulnerabilities in their systems. They help others to protect against cyberattacks and cyber threats such as national security breaches.

Black-Hat Hackers 

Black-hat hackers focus on breaking the law through their actions. This group includes hackers who conduct disruptive activities against businesses, usually for financial gain. These hackers often use their skills for their personal benefit, and their agenda is considered criminal or closely related to the actions of criminals.

Suicide Hackers

Suicide hackers are often associated with terrorist or vigilante groups. One such group is Anonymous, a decentralized international group noted for its attack against governments and other well-known public corporations. This category of hackers assumes an anti-establishment stance with causes that include political, terrorist, or other disruptive security breaches and activities.


Is Hiring an Ethical Hacker Necessary?

Organizational leaders place a lot of trust and confidence in the abilities of their IT department. These departments are full of competent, hard-working individuals dedicated to protecting a company’s systems, so why would leadership feel the need to bring in an outside party?

While IT professionals are often highly skilled at designing and implementing security measures, hackers possess the ability to think outside the box and bypass those security measures. The methods they use may not be on the radar of formally trained IT professionals. Hiring ethical hackers, who share the same natural curiosity and mindset as malicious hackers, can help an organization to test its network security through penetration testing and identify vulnerabilities ahead of a real cyberattack.

This approach, done with the support of the IT department, helps an ethical hacker to identify vulnerabilities and verify the security measures of devices and systems. The information gained can help an IT department enhance its protections against future attacks and prevent unauthorized users from gaining access and wreaking havoc.

It’s important that organizational leaders explain that hiring an ethical hacking service is not a test of the capabilities of the IT department. Instead, hiring an ethical hacker is an additional security measure to help build the most secure infrastructure possible.


The Essential Factors Involved in Hiring a Hacking Service

One of the initial hurdles when considering whether to hire an ethical hacking service is if the hackers can be trusted. These individuals will be tasked with identifying a system’s vulnerabilities, which could result in access to highly valuable and sensitive information. This risk must be properly evaluated, and hackers must be carefully vetted.

In order to assess and select a hacking service, an organization should consider different factors, such as:

  • The needs of the organization
  • An organization-wide inventory assessment
  • Vetting and reference checks
  • The skills and proficiencies of hackers
  • Legal considerations


The Needs of the Organization

It is necessary to carefully consider the end goals of hiring a hacking service. For instance, is the goal to:

  • Identify unknown vulnerabilities in the system?
  • Test the cyber readiness of employees?
  • Verify the capabilities of the organizational network?

Clearly stating the goals and purpose of hiring a hacking service will help determine what skills and services are needed.

An Organization-Wide Inventory Assessment

As part of the preparation process, an organization should conduct a thorough inventory of its organizational assets. An organizational inventory assessment identifies all the networked devices within the system, as well as valuable information stored in its systems. This list will help determine what risks (software vulnerabilities and system vulnerabilities) are associated with each asset and what devices should be tested by the hackers.

Vetting and Reference Checks

During this phase, it’s important for an organization to consult with a human resources specialist to ensure proper vetting of the selected individual(s) or service. At a minimum, this process should include a thorough and robust background check, multiple character reference verifications, and past customer recommendations.

The Skills and Proficiencies of Ethical Hackers

As part of the vetting process, organizational leaders should verify the capabilities and skills of candidates to ensure they possess the technical and physical control skills needed to assess the organization’s systems. Technical controls include knowledge of software and hardware devices, such as firewalls and intrusion prevention systems (IPS).

Ethical hackers must also understand the physical control systems that prevent physical entry to buildings. They need to understand the organization’s policies and procedures involving these systems, so they can make recommendations to modify and bolster security procedures.

Legal Considerations of Ethical Hacking

It’s also important to involve the organization’s legal team in the selection and vetting process. Personnel performing the ethical hacking process are agents of the corporation, which is liable for any damage that may occur to its system or to outside parties. Monitoring the actions of ethical hackers can assist in the minimization of damage to property and reduce liability.

Organizations remain responsible for the actions of any entity representing the organization – this responsibility cannot be delegated and is considered due diligence. Therefore, it is important that organizations thoroughly understand the potential liabilities associated with actions of an ethical hacking service.


The Advantages of Ethical Hacking

What can an organization expect to gain from using an ethical hacking service to discover vulnerabilities? The short answer is peace of mind.

Using a hacking service allows the organization to discover if someone gained improper access to its computers or network. It may also discover that its software has not been properly updated with the latest security patch or is no longer supported by the supplier.

An ethical hacker can also expose insider threats and weaknesses. Whether intentional or otherwise, employees often expose blind spots within the organization through their daily actions.

A vulnerability scan can discover actions by employees or partners that cause risks to the organization. Penetration testing and the use of password cracking tools are methods often employed by a hacker to uncover such vulnerabilities.

One example of the risk of third-party vendors is the massive  2013 data breach of Target® , when a subcontractor stole network credentials and accessed more than 40 million customers’ credit and debit cards.

This intrusion cost Target $18.5 million million, according to NBC News. If Target had completed a comprehensive vulnerability assessment and accepted the security recommendations, the likelihood of such a data breach would have been significantly less.

The strategic decision to employ an ethical hacking service can be extremely beneficial for an organization. It can result in increased awareness of unknown vulnerabilities and the implementation of stronger security measures and network protections, so hiring ethical hackers is a cost-effective measure for an organization.


Information Technology Degrees at American Military University

For security professionals interested in topics related to ethical hacking, penetration testing, security vulnerabilities, data breaches, cyber attacks, and other related topics, American Military University (AMU) offers several degrees related to information technology:

AMU’s faculty members bring a wealth of real-world experience and industry expertise to the classroom, significantly enriching the educational experience. The online format provides flexibility and convenience for working individuals.

The Bachelor’s Degree in Information Technology

The bachelor's degree in information technology at AMU is tailored for individuals aiming to build foundational skills in programming and problem-solving for computer and web-based applications. This online program caters to working professionals with busy schedules, and ideal candidates include students and professionals aspiring to be web developers, database analysts, or IT managers.

The bachelor’s degree objectives include mastering enterprise systems development, networking, telecommunication, web development, and data security. Students have the chance to learn to develop IT strategies and business enterprise management tactics, utilize object-oriented programming (OOP) to create software, and construct business plans and projects encompassing e-commerce, software development, and IT project planning. Also, this program aims to prepare students with a deep understanding of ethical practices, communication, and teamwork.

The Master’s Degree in Information Technology

The master’s degree in information technology is designed for students seeking an advanced knowledge of IT systems development and implementation. This program is ideal for professionals aiming to enhance their expertise in database systems, IT project management, and information security.

Students have the chance to learn key management theories, develop critical thinking and research skills, and gain proficiency in IT project management. Additionally, they will create enterprise database systems, address emerging IT challenges, and devise solutions for securing information systems.

The Bachelor’s Degree in Information Technology Management

The bachelor’s degree in information technology management is designed for students aiming to pursue IT management and leadership roles. Courses in this program encompass essential topics, such as computer science fundamentals, software development, cybersecurity, and IT project management. This degree program aims to equip students with the ability to enhance organizational productivity, develop strategic business solutions, and manage comprehensive IT projects.

Graduates of the program learn to be proficient in analyzing IT needs, designing and implementing technology solutions, and leading complex projects. The hands-on experience gained through the coursework ensures that graduates are well-prepared to address real-world challenges.

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