After the last of 16 mounting screws has been removed from an access cover,it will be discovered that the wrong access cover has been removed.

Brady's First Law of Problem Solving: When confronted by a difficultproblem, you can solve it more easily by reducing it to the question, "Howwould the Lone Ranger have handled this?"

It's not hard to meet expenses; they're everywhere.

Egotist, n.: A person of low taste, more interested in himself than in me. ― Ambrose Bierce, "The Devil's Dictionary"

He who shits on the road will meet flies on his return. ― South African Saying

Menu: A list of dishes which the restaurant has just run out of.

If everything is coming your way then you're in the wrong lane.

When I was younger, I could remember anything, whether it had happened or not;but my faculties are decaying now and soon I shall be so I cannot remember anybut the things that never happened. It is sad to go to pieces like this but weall have to do it. ― Mark Twain

United Nations, New York, December 25. The peace and joy of theChristmas season was marred by a proclamation of a general strike ofall the military forces of the world. Panic reigns in the hearts ofall the patriots of every persuasion.Meanwhile, fears of universal disaster sank to an all-time low over theworld. ― Isaac Asimov

To criticize the incompetent is easy; it is more difficult to criticize thecompetent.


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