Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in getting up every time we do. ― Confucius

"Calvin Coolidge looks as if he had been weaned on a pickle." ― Alice Roosevelt Longworth

Greatness is a transitory experience. It is never consistent.

Gray's Law of Programming: `N+1' trivial tasks are expected to be accomplished in the same time as `N' tasks.Logg's Rebuttal to Gray's Law: `N+1' trivial tasks take twice as long as `N' trivial tasks.

Real knowledge is to know the extent of one's ignorance. ― Confucius

The decision didn't have to be logical, it was unanimous.

A second marriage is the triumph of hope over experience. ― Samuel Johnson

No problem is insoluble in all conceivable circumstances.

That [life] which is longest of duration, and that which is shortest, bothcome to one effect. ― Marcus Aurelius, "The Meditations", Book II

Any sufficiently advanced stupidity is indistinguishable from malice. ― Paul Chvostek by way of Arthur C. Clarke (via John Ripley)


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